Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I like these two images because they are different from other images that you would normally see in a print ad. I like both of them because it says that jupiterimages' images become absorbed by the eye because they are so nice, and the best stock imagery possible. It follows our central image of being a crisp, original image. They're images that catch the attention very easily and bring you into the image, where it will grasp our interest and then the viewer take a closer look and read the rest of the ad.  

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I would like to know what programs are the easiest to draw and which programs are the best for print work. I would like to know how to design 3-D objects and how to program interactive flash applications on internet.

Possible Questions for Art Departments

I've been reading about different positions within the art department, and found that the job positions of: assistant art directors, bullpen artists,  and junior art director are more of the hands-on positions, this is where the artists learn their crafts and master their skills. But then as you move up the ladder in the art department with positions like: art director, senior art director, and executive art director is more conceptually and work more closely with clients and do more supervisory rather than the hands-on work. 

So having said this, my question would be, does anybody ever refuse to be promoted or move up in position/authority because they prefer to work with the more hands-on jobs? Cause not all people enjoy working directly with clients. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008


I'd love to know what people in the industry do for inspiration, if they use guides or templates, and some essential do's and don'ts, especially the dont's..

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

handy tool..

Optical Margin Alignment

Located on the obscurely named Story palette, Optical Margin Alignment hangs your punctuation outside the edges of the text frame, preventing the appearance of visual holes on the right edge of your type. You get most benefit from Optical Margin Alignment working with justified type, but because it also adjusts the spacing on the left of your text frames, it benefits left-aligned type, too, although less dramatically. With your Type cursor inserted in a story, simply check the Optical Margin Alignment box and you instantly have optically aligned type, the like of which would have taken hours to achieve manually. The type size should, in theory, be set to the same size as the type size you’re using, but you may find it worth experimenting to get the effect you want. Note that while it may get you halfway there, Optical Margin Alignment is not the solution for hanging punctuation, for which you’re better off using the Indent to Here character (Command/Ctrl+\).


Here's a blog I found, and signed up for! is a pretty crazy site. It has podcasts, videocasts, and tutorials for us beginners :)